Many of us have a file for our important papers but I wonder if these pieces of paper are a lot more valuable than you might imagine. You may have a passport, social security card, driver's license and birth certificate as most Americans have these. When you realize the large part of your daily life played by these documents, you may find they require quite a degree of respect.
A passport, for example, is issued by a national government and verifies your identity as well as your citizenship. To obtain one, you much provide documents proving your identity and country of origin. Once acquired, a passport is proof of your name, place and date of birth and sex and also provides a photograph as further proof of your identity. Many people think a passport alone will get you into any country but this is not true. It will, however, grant you re-entry into the country of issuance. International travel does require a passport but another very import use for this document is unquestionable verification of identity.
Now let's talk about your social security card. It provides a one-of-a-kind number unique to only you and is required for each and every American citizen. These numbers certainly aid in the assessment of taxes but they also provide identification. They are also used to identify specific records such as medical, financial and educational ones.
To operate a motor vehicle legally in the United States, your are required to have a drivers' license issued by your state of residence. There are also different types of drivers' licenses depending on the type of vehicle you will be operating. A very large percentage of Americans possess a drivers' license and this provides a qualified means of identification as a picture and description are presented on this important plastic card. This form of identification is often requested when purchasing alcohol, tobacco products or when applying for a job. A drivers' license provides a unique opportunity to become an organ donor in case of your death as this can be indicated on the face of your card.
When a child is born, a hospital issues a birth certificate indicating all the important information pertaining to that child's birth. Birth certificates can be in a long or short form and will include a child's name, sex, place and time of birth as well as the names of parents. These are useful in proving identity, citizenship and relationships and are also required when applying for a passport. You might say this is the beginning of your important papers as it is required when getting almost all others including a marriage license, drivers' license and social security card.
As you can see, important papers come in all shapes and sizes but they are all very vital to your everyday living. Keeping them in a safe place is so important that you might even decide to invest in a safety deposit box so they can't be stolen or damaged. If your identity is stolen or if your documents are counterfeited, there would be great cost and stress undoing the damage so keep these documents in a safe and secure location.
US Passport Now is a full service U.S. passport expediting company. With years of experience in passport expedition, US Passport Now ensures a simple, fast and easy solution in receiving your US passport back in time you require.
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