2012年6月29日 星期五

Understanding What The Best Bank CD Can Offer You

For employees looking to increase their savings, investing in bank deposits is a relatively good way to do so. While banks will have differing policies, the best bank CD will offer you a relatively higher interest rate for a period of about a year or so.

A certificate of deposit or CD is a type of deposit account that offers an interest rate that is a bit higher than a regular savings account. However, unlike other types of investments, these savings are insured to up to a hundred thousand dollars. The certificate of deposit has both a fixed interest rate and a fixed period of time to mature. This means that for six months or one year, the interest will not change, although it will accrue for the whole period.

There are some financial institutions that may allow you to withdraw or redeem your savings, however you may incur a penalty for the early withdrawal. This of course depends on many factors. Even the terms of the traditional CD has changed, with some being variable rate, or long term.

Typically, a longer term investment will have a higher interest, but the bank may call or terminate it at the institutions discretion. This can happen after some period of time, for example after every year or six months. It also depends on the market conditions at that time, so if interest rates fall, the bank can call the savings. However, if interest rates rise, your investment will only gain interest at the original rate agreed, and not at the market rates.

When you invest your money in this long term instrument, make sure you understand all the features before signing your name. You don't want to be lured in by the high yield only to find out that it covers five years. This is the most common mistake people make when investing. Remember that these savings can come in less than one year, but are also offered in one, three, five and even ten years. If you redeem your cash before the maturity, your penalty may even exceed the interest accrued.

Remember to research the general financial market to see whether the rates offered by the bank are more or less on par. If the market rates fall lower and your bank hasn't terminated the investment after one year, then it was a sound investment. However, if most experts agree that interest rates will rise considerably, your savings will be left behind. Remember that your money only gains interest at the original rate, so even if the market rises, you will be locked in to your original terms.

If it's a variable interest CD, then the market rates will have some impact, although it will generally be at a lower yield. Also, inquire about when the bank pays out the interest, and how you will get paid.

A certificate of deposit is a sound way to make money over time. The best bank CD will have a fixed rate of at least a year, and will pay out every month to your account.

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